Let the festivals begin. Over the next few weeks each of our One in Christ parishes has a festival. Take time today to checkout the festival at Sacred Heart. Check out the bulletin for the days and times of the other festivals. These are great opportunities to mingle with other members of our One in Christ ACC.
Also this week begins the 2024/2025 school year for our schools St. Katharine Drexel, St. Francis Xavier, Cathedral and all Catholic Community Schools. We pray that the students and teachers who are returning to school, may enjoy the experience of learning as they seek the gifts of wisdom and understanding, and now the end is near. Today we conclude our five week reflection on chapter 6 of the Gospel of John.
Paper or plastic? A question often posed at the supermarket. It is one of the decisions we need to make in life. Our lives are filled with decisions --- one scoop or two scoops of ice cream, which movie to take in, which restaurant to eat, which cake to take at the cake stand or bingo card to take at the festival today.
Other decisions carry considerable more weight as their consequences are more significant. For example what course of studies to undertake, which career to pursue, to marry, be ordained, enter religious life, or remain single, to start a family.
Joshua in succeeding Moses as leader of the Israelites, challenges his brothers and sisters in the faith who would they serve. Would it be the God who had led them forth from Egypt and through the wilderness? Would it be the God who fed the hungry travelers with manna, quail, and water fro the rock, despite their sinfulness? Or would they turn to other gods? Decide today whom you will serve. Joshua announces his intent: As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.
The author of Ephesians describes the proper behavior of those who have decided to follow Christ. A key phrase is verse 21: be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ. In other words, to put Christ first in our lives. To love fully as Christ loves the church; to serve the other completely as Christ serves the church.
In the Gospel some of Jesus’ disciples find his sayings too difficult. Some make the decision to return to their former way of life. On behalf of the twelve, Peter, tells Jesus they will follow because they know Jesus is the Holy One of God.
Who will you serve? Your reading of this article is an acknowledgement of belief in God. The question really is, are you willing to accept the teachings of Jesus? Will you live each day knowing that all you have is gift from God? To gather in prayer weekly to express your thanks? In gratitude to share your talents with the community? Or will you see all in your life as entitlement?
Are you willing to love all totally as Jesus loves us? I am reminded of quote from Mr. Blue, (From the book Mr. Blue by Myles Connolly) “I could learn to love a lion but I do not think I could ever learn to love a mosquito.” You and I can find ways to tolerate the occasionally bothersome person. However, it quite another story to see Christ in the person at work or the neighbor, who gets under your skin. It requires great courage and perseverance to love that person.
I invite you to join me in echoing the commitment of Joshua and Peter and say, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord; Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life life.” May we live each day in gratitude, fully loving all who enter our lives, and to be hope filled no matter the events we face.
Fr. Ron