Melissa Fox
Director of Faith Formation
Grades 1- 5, First Sacraments, Confirmation, (th & 10th Grade, VBS, Baptism Class
252-8761 Ext. 411
First Sacraments
Preparation for these sacraments generally takes place during Second Grade. However, if there are young people who are older, please contact us so arrangements can be made for their celebration of these first sacraments.
First Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation celebrates God's mercy and unconditional love for all of us.
This sacrament leads us closer to the hear of God as we experience forgiveness and commit to changing our lives. This sacrament is usually celebrated in February.
The requirements for preparing for First Reconciliation are:
1. Regular attendance in first and second grade faith
formation program.
2. Participation in the Parent session as scheduled each Fall.
3. Completion of all take-home material provided.
4. Participation in the First Reconciliation Retreat
5. At least one parent must be a registered member of
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. For registration
information, please phone 252-1363
First Eucharist
The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the on-going nourishment that takes us deeper into the Life of Christ and binds us as community with one another. This sacrament is usually celebrated in April.
The requirements for preparing for First Eucharist are:
1. Regular attendance at weekend liturgies.
2. Regular attendance in first and second grade faith
formation program.
3. Participation in First Eucharist Retreat.
scheduled during second semester.
4. Completion of all take-home material provided.
5. At least one parent must be a registered member of
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. For registration
information, please phone 252-1363