Sacramental Information
Baptismal Courses
Contact the parish office for the schedule of the next baptism class. Classes are in Xavier Hall, Franciscan Room. If you are a first time parent, please call the Parish Office to make arrangements to attend a class and/or to have your child baptized.
A one week notice is requested.
Please contact Becky Dingmann at 252-1363 Ext. 1100
or bdingmann@stfrancissartell.org
Saturday 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
First Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation celebrates God's mercy and unconditional love for all of us. This sacrament leads us closer to the hear of God as we experience forgiveness and commit to changing our lives.
The requirements for preparation for First Reconciliation Class are:
1. Regular attendance in first and second grade faith
formation program.
2. Participation in the Parent session as scheduled each Fall.
3. Participation in First Eucharist retreat.
4. Completion of all take-home material provided.
5. At least one parent must be a registered member of
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. For registration
information, please contact Melissa Fox 252-8761 ext. 411
First Reconciliation is celebrated in February.
First Eucharist
The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the on-going nourishment that takes us deeper into the Life of Christ and binds us as community with one another.
1. Regular attendance at weekend liturgies.
2. Regular attendance in first and second grade faith
formation program.
3. Participation in First Eucharist retreat
4. Completion of all take-home material provided.
5. At least one parent must be a registered member of
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. For registration
information, please contact Melissa Fox 252-8761 ext. 411
First Eucharist is celebrated at weekend parish liturgies in April
Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation that is closely connected to baptism and Eucharist. It completes the sacrament of baptism, brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace and more clearly shows forth the gifts of the Spirit received in baptism. At the same time, the celebration of Confirmation links us more closely to Eucharist as a way to live out being a fully initiated Catholic.
Young people in 10th Grade or older are invited to participate in the sacramental preparation program for Confirmation. Our young people gather approximately twice a month, September-May for study and reflection. Christian Service Learning is done as a class and helps our youth to better understand the life of the parish and how each member is needed to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ.
The goal of the sacramental program for Confirmation is to invite and enable young people to embrace a life-long journey of faith with God within a Catholic community. For information, please contact Melissa Fox at 252-8761 ext. 411 or mfox@stfrancissartell.org
Must be arranged a minimum of 6 months in advance. Potential New Parishioners:
If you are new to the area, please give us a call to register as
members of our parish family. We are happy to have you join us. Please contact Becky Dingmann at 252-1363 Ext. 400 or bdingmann@stfrancissartell.org
Anointing of the Sick
​The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is held during the Advent and Lenten Season. The Anointing Sacrament is for persons who are in need of healing in mind, body and spirit. The Anointing is available for children who have reached the age of reason. If parishioners are seriously ill and request an anointing at their home or hospital, it can be arranged through the Parish Office, 252-1363 or Sandee Kremers, Pastoral Minister 252-1363 Ext. 403 or Father Ron 252-1363 Ext 401 days, 402 night/weekend.