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News & Events

2024 Bishop’s Annual Appeal


Thank you to those who have already supported diocesan ministries through the Appeal. As of August 26, the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for 2024 has raised total cash and pledges of $1,257,003 toward our goal of $1,450,000 (89.79%). This was made possible through the generous donations of 6,929 people throughout the 16 counties of our diocese. Will you help these ministries meet their funding needs? Visit



AA Group Meetings at St. Francis Xavier. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol abuse, St. Francis Xavier hosts a local AA group which meets every Thursday at 6:30pm in Xavier Hall. Attendees should go to the east side of the Xavier Hall - Door X3 and down to the basement. If you have questions, please contact Denny K. at 320-224-7785.

AA Group Meetings – Mayhew Lake


AA MEETING at Annunciation Church Hall starting on Thursday, May 16th at 7pm. Meetings will be held everyweek. Anyone touched by alcohol in anyway are invited. Call Lori for more info. 320-406-8742.


October 5

Faith on Tap, an ACC Adult Event, is Saturday, October 5th at Blackberry Ridge Golf Club in Sartell from 6:30 - 9:00 PM. The night will include trivia, light snacks, Cash Bar, social time, and a presentation by Meisha Johnson on God calling her to leave her successful journalism career to join the Catholic Church and begin working in parish ministry and faith coaching. While there is no cost to attend and registration is not required, participants can sign up to be part of the Early Bird drawing to win cash prizes at the event. Use this QR code to sign up or call your parish office by Friday, September 27th and participants must be present at Faith on Tap to win. If you have questions about Faith on Tap, contact any of the ACC parish offices.



In Matthew Kelly's book, 33 Days to Eurcharisric Glory, he shares Mother Teresa's advice, "If I can give any advice, I beg you to get closer to the Eucharist and to Jesus. We must pray to Jesus to give us that tenderness of the Eucharist.” Matthew Kelly states, "You need the habit of Adoration. How often, I don't know. For how long? I don't know. That is between you and God, but it was central to the lives of the saints, and I encourage you to make it central to your life even if it's only for one hour each month". "Spending time in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist will transform you and your life in ways you cannot begin to imagine".
Adoration inquiries, please text or call Barb Johnson: 320-493-0302 or Peggy Weber: 320-259-7841 The Perpetual Adoration Chapel is at The Church of St. Anthony in St. Cloud and is available to all. Enter through the East door. The chapel is normally open 6am to 6pm. Evening and night hours are available with a fob.



We are so excited to welcome so many new adoration chapel captains! We are specifically looking to add some men to our committee, so if you have been feeling called to commit to an hour of prayer or to help with supporting the chapel by being
a captain – please contact Nicky Carlson: Here are our most urgent hours of need:
Monday 1-2AM,
Tuesday 4-5AM,
Wednesday 11PM,
Thursday 7AM.
If you are interested in committing to an hour that is not listed – please email Nicky. Many of our adorers would appreciate a prayer partner so that if one of you cannot make it due to illness, other commitment, etc – you have a built in sub. Also, if your schedule does not permit you to commit to a specific hour, but you would like to be able to spend time with Jesus in the chapel – please reach out to find out more about our perpetual adoration chapel. Thank you! -

“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28


September 14

The Fall Festival is fast approaching!! We are looking for donations of your yummy baked goods or fall canning harvest items for our festival’s Bake Sale. Some suggested items: Cookies, cakes, bars, trail mixes, candy, soup mixes, homemade egg noodles etc. Canned goods such as salsa, spaghetti sauce, tomato juice, jams & jellies are also great sellers! All items should be covered with a clear plastic wrap for easy viewing! We will price the items for you so no need to worry about that! Items can be brought to the Gathering
Place on Friday, September 14th between 3-7 p.m. and
Saturday, September 15th from 9:00am – 4:00 p.m.
Email with any questions:
Doris Lodermeier –
Marlyce Plante –

All Women of St. Francis...


All women of the parish are invited to be part of this organization. If you are interested in hearing more about who we are, what we do and how often we meet, please contact Aggie at 320-252-1417 or make plans to attend our first meeting of the new year on Tuesday, September 20 at 6:30 PM in our parish gathering place. Please consider becoming a member



Charlotte Ann Mitzel, daughter of Kristopher & Ashley and Sylvie Helen Voshell, daughter of Robert & Grace who were Baptized at St. Francis Xavier.


Monday evenings

Bells of the Heart is welcoming new members. Playing in a handbell choir is a great way to have fun, socialize, and to learn new things. Playing handbells is easiest when you have prior experience reading music or playing an instrument. New ringers will be paired with experienced ringers. Students in grade 6 and older are welcome to join with a parent or guardian who will also ring bells. The choir is based out of Sacred Heart Parish but is open to all members of our Area Catholic Community as space allows. Rehearsals are on Monday evenings, and we play for Mass at SH approximately once a month. Contact Sarah Woeste at 320-251-8115 x116 for more information.



As we get ready to start another busy year of activities, we know space in the bulletin will start to get tight. With that in mind, we have a few requests for bulletin submissions. 1) Have your submissions for the community pages written out and to Jill Lieser in the office (by Monday at 8am for the bulletin being published that coming weekend. For example, for the October 7th/8th bulletin, community page submissions should be in by October 2nd. 2) Be brief. Paragraphs of details makes it hard to fit all submissions in. If your submission is lengthy, it may be edited for length. Please make sure there is a contact for additional information. 3) Let us know how long you would like the submission to run for. If it is in the bulletin for multiple weeks, we may need to pull it out for a week or two to allow room for new submissions. We will always try to run it again as the end date approaches.

Bible in a Year


In The Bible in a Year podcast,Fr. Mike Schmitz walks you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes, providing commentary, reflection, and prayer along the way. Listen and…Read the ENTIRE Bible, Feel more confident about your understanding of Scripture, experience the transformative power of God’s Word in your daily life, start seeing the world through the lens of Scripture.
Even if you did it last year! Do it again! You will be blessed!



The hope for this group is to provide a supportive setting for those with cancer/major medical conditions (and/or their loved ones) that will include prayer and opportunities to share personal experiences of God's grace and blessings when such illnesses are a part of life. There will be an introductory meeting on Friday, May 3rd at 9:30am in Xavier Hall. Please join us if you can. If this date is NOT good, but you are interested in future participation, please call the parish office 320-252-1363 to speak with Sandee or Tom or email,, or Jim Negen at The plan is to hear input from others in designing the structure and to hold monthly meetings.


September 20-22

Are you in need of enhancing your relationship with God? Central Minnesota Koinonia is a Catholic retreat experience for adults, aged 20 and older, joining together to get to know Jesus, God, each other and ourselves. Retreats are held at the TEC Center, Belle Prairie, 3 miles north of Little Falls. The next retreat will be held September 20-22, 2024 beginning at 5:30 PM Friday and ending Sunday afternoon. Cost of the weekend is $70.00, includes meals and lodging, scholarships are available for those in need. Registrations may be made online at or by emailing for a paper copy.

Catholic Charities Food Shelf

2nd weekend of the month

Drop off for cash or food items will be the 2nd weekend of the month throughout the year at Sacred Heart and Annunciation.

Central MN Catholic Magazine


Have you read The Central Minnesota Catholic magazine? Do you follow the Diocese of St. Cloud on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or Instagram? Have you visited the diocesan websites for resources? All of these communication tools that inform us of the latest Catholic news are supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Keep the news coming by contributing at


September 21

Don’t miss Frederick Blonigen, Keynote Speaker at this year’s St. Cloud Diocesan Council of Catholic Women’s Fall Conference on Saturday, September 21, at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, 2405 1st Street N., St. Cloud, MN.
Registration and refreshments kick off the day at 9 a.m. Talks by Mr. Blonigen bookend Mass with Bishop Neary, C.S.C.
Registration is $20 by 9/10; $25 after 9/10 or at the door. Make check payable to St. Cloud DCCW and send to
Lora Knafla, Treasurer, at 11719 16th Ave. NW, Rice, MN 56367; or contact Lora at (320) 393-2701.



Viewers in the St. Cloud Diocese can watch the Mass on KSTC-45 at 11am each Sunday via cable, satellite or antenna (check your cable provider for channel number). Charter Communication airs the Mass on Channel 17.



A great way to support St. Francis Xavier is by electronic giving. SFX has opportunities to set up for direct transfers to the parish from your bank account or giving by credit card. You can charge your credit card and the payment goes directly to the parish. It saves writing a check out each week or month as well. Call Tom in the parish office to learn more - 320-252-1363. Additionally, many banks offer “bill pay”. Donations to your parish are not a bill, but that is the terminology used. This is done online from your home, but if you need help, visit your bank and they can help you get set up.



Need help paying your Energy Bills? Greater Minnnesota Gas, Inc. (GMG) would like to remind residential homeowners or renters of the Energy Assistance Program (EAP). This federally funded program helps pay for home heating costs, may assist with furnace repairs and could offer energy efficiency home upgrades for income qualified customers. Please call 1-800-657-3710 for Assistance. If you have any questions, please call us from 8:00 am –4:30 pm Monday—Friday.



St. Anthony's Chapel— Come and see! Jesus is truly present here in the Eucharist and wants to fill you with good things!! Come for a few minutes or stay an hour. Make it a Lenten sacrifice or a Eucharistic Revival prayer. Prayerfully consider committing to a weekly hour of adoration. Your heart will be changed!
Church of St. Anthony
2405 1st St N. St Cloud
The East door is open 6am to 6pm. Text or call Peggy at 320-259-7841 for more information. Thank you.



To see pictures of the Pilgrims from the Diocese at the National Eucharistic Congress, please go to the Central Minnesota Catholic Web page at:

Electronic and Online Giving


A great way to make your Sunday offering to St. Francis Xavier is by electronic giving. We have a DONATE button on our website that takes you to a secure site for electronic transactions. You can see a Sunday offering button and go on from there. You can make it a one time contribution or set up recurring contributions - weekly, every 2 weeks, monthly or quarterly. OR, if you wish, we have application forms at the entrances to church that you can complete and turn-in to the parish office. There are options for credit card donations or automatic bank donations - either way is welcomed and appreciated. Summers are short in Minnesota (and very busy) so much of our parish "flock" scatters on weekends. Electronic giving keeps a steady income for our parish, so please consider this as an option for your contributions. Thank you for your commitment and generosity with our parish. Questions?? Call Tom Offerdahl, business manager - 320-252-1363, ext.405.



Fair trade coffee, tea, chocolate bars and hot chocolate mixes will be available for sale after Mass this weekend.
There are a few different coffee roasts – some whole bean, some ground and a decaf option as well. Coffee, tea and chocolate make great gifts for the Easter basket!


Register Now!

We are currently in need of the following for teachers/coteachers for the upcoming faith formation year for
Grades 1-5. The curriculum is fun and easy to use. All materials are prepared for you in advance. All you need to do is read through the materials and show up for class.
4:45-5:45 Session
Grade 1- 2 Assistant Teachers
Grade 2- 2 Assistant Teachers
Grade 3- 1 Teacher and 1 Assistant Teacher
Grade 4- 1 Teachers and 1 Assistant Teachers
Contact Melissa Fox at 320-761-2217 or

The Middle School Faith Formation Program is in need of 4 Leaders & 9 Co-Leaders.
1 – 6th Grade Leader & 2 – 6th Grade Co-Leaders
1 – 7th Grade Leader & 4 – 7th Grade Co-Leaders
2 – 8th Grade Leaders & 3 – 8th Grade Co-Leaders
Contact Sandee Kremers if you are willing to invest time in
our young people’s faith journey. They need you and so do I.



Middle School SMALL GROUP LEADERS & ASSISTANTS NEEDED! We are looking for 1– 6th Grade Small Group Leader also looking for 2 assistant leaders, 3- 7th Grade Small Group Leaders and 5 assistant leaders, 2- 8th Grade Small Group Leaders and 5 assistant leaders. Please contact Sandee Kremers at or 320- 252-1363 for information or with questions. We will have a four station model this year and you will be leading your students to each station and facilitating the lesson for each station. You will have the lessons for the year in hand at our Leader Meeting which will be held on Wednesday, September 11 at 6:30 pm in the Gathering Space. We need you for this program – parents – grandparents- seniors – college students – young adults … you ALL qualify! Come join us – you will grow your faith and will be a mentor to a young person! Thank you!
We are currently in need of the following for teachers/ co-teachers for the upcoming faith formation year for Grades 1-5. The curriculum is fun and easy to use. All materials are prepared for you in advance. All you need to do is read through the materials and show up for class.
4:45-5:45 Session
Grade 1- 2 Assistant Teachers
Grade 2- 2 Assistant Teachers
Grade 3- 1 Teacher and 1 Assistant Teacher
Grade 4- 2 Teachers and 3 Assistant Teachers
Grade 5- 2 Assistants
6:30-7:30 Session
Grade 1-Co Teacher
Contact Melissa Fox at 320-761-2217 or

FAITH FORMATION – Volunteers Needed


Volunteers Needed for 9th grade! We are in need of 1 set of small group leaders and 5 co-leaders. There will be structured class time 2 times a month and then Aftershock once a month. Our year will be focused on Catholic Social Teaching. Contact Melissa Fox if you are interested or would like more info at


September 14-15

Let The Bidding Begin! The Silent Auction is live. Check out the amazing variety of
items that your fellow parishioners have donated. We have a huge variety of useful, unique and fun items. The Auction items are on display in the gathering space
And will be until the auction closes on 9-15-24 at 11:30. Here is our auction
website with all the info:
Thank you for your donations!
Candice Koopmeiners 320-654-1359
George & Marcy Reisdorf 320-493-7620
Scan the QR code - Auction goes live 9/4!


Needed Now!

Let The Bidding Begin! The Silent Auction will go live on Tuesday, September 3rd. Check out the amazing variety of items that your fellow parishioners have donated. We have a huge variety of useful, unique and fun items. The Auction items will be on display in the gathering space on Thursday, September 5th, until the auction closes on 9-15-24 at 11:30.
Here is our auction website with all the info:
Thank you for your donations!
Candice Koopmeiners 320-654-1359
George & Marcy Reisdorf 320-493-7620
Scan the QR code - Auction goes live 9/4!



Calling all volunteers age 55+!! You have many opportunities to make a difference in the life of a child at local schools, childcare centers or KIDSTOP programs.
Help children succeed!
*Only 260 hours per year
*Tax-free Stipend
*Travel reimbursement
*Training provided
Contact Sue at 320-229-4589 Linda (Vouk) Midas at 223-0409 or email Sue at for more information.



Remember in your prayers the families of Donna Rajkowski, who passed away on August 18th, from St. Francis Xavier.
Eternal Rest grant unto her Oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her.

Faith Formation – Teacher Training

September 11, 15

6-8th Grade Leader Meeting on Wednesday, September 11, SFX Gathering Place @ 6:30.We are still looking for Leaders and Co-Leaders. Please contact Sandee Kremers to volunteer or if you have questions @ 252-1363.

9th Grade Teacher Training will be held Wednesday, September 11th at 6:30pm in the Gathering Area. Grades 1-5 Teacher Training will be held Monday, September 16th at 6:00pm in the Gathering Area. Melissa Fox 320-761-2217



Gathering in the Arts Board thanks you for making the 2024 Bling sale a huge success. A total of $4,029 was made from the sale of jewelry, handbags and scarves.—Geri, Carol, Althea, Marcy, Julie, and Pam



Hey, Mama! Looking for the village everyone says it takes? Here we are!
Join us for encouraging distraction-free fellowship, relevant discussions, mentorship, playdates, mom’s night out and childcare. For all stages of motherhood. Questions, contact them at

Grief Support Group CHANGE IN SCHEDULE!

1st & 3rd WEDNESDAY

The Grief Group will meet again starting in August on the 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAY of the month. All are welcome! Any questions please contact Sandee Kremers at 320-252-1363 x403 or


September 14

Hats Off to Hope - Relay For Life of Central MN
Saturday, September 14 from 1pm-10pm at the Sartell
Community Center. Raffle Drawing September 21, 2024
5K run at 10 am - registration 8:30-10
All are invited to Celebrate all Survivors and Cancer Fighters: Remember those we have lost. Fight back in raising awareness and funds for research and 24/7 support. | 1-800-227-2345


September 10

Tuesday, September 10, SFX Gathering Place @ 5:30. All are welcome! Contact Sandee K. with questions 252-1363.



We have 9 flower pots on the south side of the church/ gathering place and 5 flower pots on the north side that will need some watering when the rains stop coming and the summer heat arrives. There are sprinkler cans and lots of water hose to make the task pretty easy. You can pick a day of the week or 1 week out of the summer OR some other schedule that works for you. This can be done at whatever time that works for you - including Saturday or Sunday before or after church. Please contact Tom Offerdahl if you can help - 320-252-1363 or email Thank you!



Although there are shelters for the homeless in this area there is not enough room for 100 people. IDS reported that over 600 children were without permanent shelter this past year. Shelters that serve the children, women and men in the St Cloud area are: Place Of Hope 203-7881, Homeless Helping Homeless 342-2232 and the Salvation Army 252-4552. They are in need of volunteers and donations. Thank you for helping! - Submitted by Ken Wendinger



We are looking for volunteers to visit parishioners that are in the hospital or homebound. Contact Sandee Kremers at 320- 252-1363 or

Helping Hands Outreach


Helping Hands Outreach
Senior Dining - Wednesday’s at The Rusty Nail at noon followed by cards. Cost-$6.00 per meal. Feet First Clinic - Call Helping Hands to set up an appointment. 320-746-9960.

In Home Communion


If you are interested in receiving communion in your home or you know of someone who might be interested, please contact Sandee Kremers x1103 or

Join the Knights of Columbus


The Knights of Columbus are a men’s fraternal organization that stand by the principals of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Bishop Trobec Council 5276—Sartell, St. Stephen, and St. Wendell is active in our communities. We support vocations, family, pro-life and those in need. Recent donations include cash for the St. Stephen Parish Festival and the Franny Flyer 5k/10k/1 mile and Kids 1k Fun Run, donations to youth groups at both parishes, and more. You see the KC’s helping with hospitality and serving food at youth events. To learn more contact Grand Knight Adam Fasen (320-282-7083), Tom Offerdahl(320-290-3228), or any other Knight you may know.


September 28

The mental health ministry team of the diocese is offering a Mass for Suicide Healing and Remembrance on September 28th at St. Mary’s Cathedral in St. Cloud. This 5:00 p.m. parish liturgy is open to everyone with a special invitation to those who have lost loved ones or community members to suicide. Please come and pray with us! For more information,
visit the Mental Health Ministry page of the diocesan



SMALL GROUP LEADERS NEEDED BADLY!! 4 – 6th Grade Small Group Leaders, 3- 7th Grade Small Group Leaders, 5- 8th Grade Small Group Leaders This program cannot run without small group teacher volunteers. You are your child’s number one catechist! Take one hour and fifteen minutes and spend time with your child and his/her friends. It’s not an easy job but your kids and I need you! Or are you retired, an empty nester or just someone who would like to make a real difference in a child’s life? You too can be a small group leader! Please contact Sandee Kremers at or 320- 252-1363 to volunteer or if you have any



Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Are you interested in being confirmed into the Catholic Faith? Are you interested in learning more about your Catholic Faith? Are you interested in becoming part of an OCIA team? If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, please contact Sandee Kremers for more information. Classes will start in October! or 252-1363.



We have One in Christ ACC shirts and hats in stock! We have a few of the gray crew neck shirts left in sizes L-2XL. We also have the new blue shirts with white ACC logo in both crew neck and V-neck. Shirts and hats are $15 each. If you are interested, call or stop by your parish office.



Interested in learning more about the Catholic faith or becoming Catholic? The One in Christ ACC invites you to the O.C.I.A. Faith Journey
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.) formally called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.), is a process of faith formation that recognizes the uniqueness of each Individual’s faith journey. For adults who have not been baptized or were baptized in another Christian tradition and desire to explore becoming Catholic. In addition, there is a process for families and children. The date/time of the sessions are adjusted based on needs of those involved. The process is concerned with the total formation of the person: learning about the Church community (doctrinal formation), living with the Church community (practical formation), praying with the Church (liturgical formation), and serving with the Church community (apostolic formation). If you are interested in learning more you may call or meet in person with any one of our Pastors, Deacons, Pastoral Associate or a parish contact listed below.
Adults Baptized in the Catholic faith and seeking to be Confirmed? We also invited you to inquire into the process of helping you to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church and receive the tremendous blessings that all the sacraments of initiation provide. Interested or Have Questions? Contact one of the following: Fr. Ron Weyrens, Fr. Tom Knoblach, Deacon Joe Kresky, Deacon Terry Jancik or Sandee



St. Francis Xavier has one AED in the church and one AED inside the school. However, they are not available 24/7. The outdoor AED cabinet would be placed by the playground and athletic fields so there is quick access anytime. We encourage you to make a donation online or send a check to Advocate for Health at 4067 Pine Point Road, Sartell, MN 56377. The online donation link is



"It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name He may give you. This I command you: love one another."
John 15 16-17
Do you know of someone who is homebound and would like to receive a visit and Eucharist?
Do you know of someone who has been deployed or is in the military who would like to receive correspondence?
Or are you interested in doing homebound visits or corresponding with our active military?
Please contact Sandee Kremers as we continue to grow our Outreach Ministries. 320-252-1363 x1103

One in Christ Area Catholic Community (ACC) planning council


The One in Christ Area Catholic Community (ACC) planning council is looking for new members. Some members of this council have been serving for the past 3 years and their terms will be ending in December. The ACC council, with representatives from all 4 parishes, works to collaborate in providing for the needs of all the parishes in order to re-energize parishioners so all parishes can thrive. Please consider serving on this council as a representative from your parish. Contact your pastor if you are interested. Check out our website, for more information.


September 22

Join us on September 22nd from 6 pm-7:30 pm for the Painting the Word event at Sacred Heart in Sauk Rapids. Women 16+ are invited to participate in a creative process of painting scripture. Come ready to meet new friends. No artistic ability is needed. Wine will be offered to those 21 and up; a nonalcoholic alternative will be provided. We are asking for a suggested donation of $5 to help cover supplies. Contact Karen Handeland at 320-761-5155.


September 14 & 15

Thanks to those who have signed up for helping with the breakfast. The sign-up sheet in the gathering place will remain for a few more days. The more helpers - the better!
Thanks to those leading things as well! The Silent Auction is live at to view items and make bids. You do not need to enter any credit card or banking info. If you win the bid, payment will take place at time of pick-up. Cash or checks are accepted, but we also take credit card payments through our secure website and have also set up a VENMO account. If you have not already done so, return your sold (and unsold) tickets and any payments or donations to the parish office by Sunday morning the 15th. The Silent Auction closes at 11:30 and the raffle drawing is at Noon that day. Thanks for the donations for the silent auction and to the many parishioners who have returned donations and money for raffle tickets. If you have a neighbor or friend who has not been around to pick up their chances, consider grabbing their packet & making a visit. Call or email me with any questions or your offer to help - Tom 320-252-1363, ext. 405 or



Are you being called to spend time with the Lord in a beautiful and peaceful way? There are many opportunities to pray before the Blessed Sacrament and spend time with Jesus. The Saint Anthony’s Chapel is the only perpetual adoration chapel in town. We are especially in need of nocturnal adorers. Here are the most urgent hours: Sun 11pm-4am and Friday 12am-5am. If you could cover 1-2 of these hours, please contact Nicky Carlson to sign up at or text 320- 304-4199.
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you-1 Peter 5:7


4th Tuesday

St. Francis Xavier is scheduled the 4th Tuesday of the month starting in October to prepare, serve and clean up for a meal at Place of Hope. The dates for the year are as follows – 10/24, 11/28, 12/26, 1/23, 2/27, 3/26, 4/23, 5/28. We will start to prepare the meal at SFX and will finish the preparations at Place of Hope. We will need some adults to leave SFX at 3 pm and then we will need to pick up youth at 3:45 pm to help us finish preparing, serve and clean up. We will return to SFX at approximately 6:45 pm. We will need 10 people per date, and we will always need 3 adults per meal for chaperoning. We will take 6-12th graders with us or any age if accompanied by an adult. Contact Sandee Kremers at 320-252-1363 x403 or with any questions or to sign up.
We will still bring a meal in September but will not prepare, serve, and clean up. Look for more details next week on our September meal. Cash donations are always welcome to help us with the costs. All One in Christ Catholic Community are invited to help. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if interested.



After many years of being the head person on the Prayer Line, Dorothy Frank will be retiring from this role. Thank you
Dorothy, for all of the years of service! We are looking for a new head of the prayer line. If interested, please contact Sandee Kremers at 320-252-1363 or



Please keep in your prayers: Jenna Nielson, Catechumen and Carson Thorstenson, Candidate. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide their journey this Lent!



The loss of a loved one is a difficult and painful time. At St. Francis Xavier we are here to support you through prayer and pastoral care. This summer is the perfect time to preplan your funeral. It is a great gift to your family to have all your wishes made in advance for the liturgy. If you would like to plan your funeral, please contact Sandee Kremers 320-252-1363.



Moms and babies need our help - LET’S DO OUR PART Beginning June 15 through June 23rd we will be accepting donations for the local ProLIFE Pregnancy Center, ELEVATE. For many years, Elevate had been known as Birthline, an agency established to help women who are facing an unexpected pregnancy by providing pregnancy testing, education support, counseling, help with needs for baby and much more. Right now, they really need help from all of us. Here is a list of baby items needed to help moms who are coming to ELEVATE.
Baby hygiene kits, New summer clothing (size 6 months and up), Baby wipes, socks (neutral colors), $10 and $20 gift cards (Target or Walmart), Diapers (sizes newborns, 3,4,5,6), White onesies (size newborn, 6 and 9 month) and Gas cards.
If you don’t feel like shopping, cash donations will be greatly appreciated as well. Make checks to: ELEVATE. Please bring your items to the designated area in the Gathering Place. As a ProLIFE parish, let us show our support to moms and their babies by packing the pack n’play to overflowing! Thank you and may God bless you for your generosity!
Sponsored by St. Monica Christian Women of the parish

Prayer Team Needed


We are looking for people to join us on Wednesdays at Noon for weekly prayer! Prayer generally lasts about 15-20 minutes and we are praying for our new YoungLife area, our young people and for kids who aren't a part of our parish communities.
If you’d like to join the prayer team but are unable to Zoom, contact Jason Prigge for another opportunity.

Prayer Team Needed


We are looking for people to join us on Wednesdays at Noon for weekly prayer! Prayer generally lasts about 15-20 minutes and we are praying for our new YoungLife chapter, our young people and for kids who aren't a part of our parish communities. If you’d like to join the prayer team but are unable to Zoom, contact Jason Prigge for another opportunity. Scan for Zoom Link:

Remember in your prayers...


Julie Kosloske, who passed away on May 20 from St. Francis Xavier.
Eternal Rest grant unto them Oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them.


September 19

The new season for the SFX Adult Choir is about to get underway. We are always excited to have new members join us as well as reuniting with our experienced singers. Please come and join us at our first rehearsal of the season: Thursday, September 19 at 6:30pm at the choir area in the church. Park in the north lot and use the door near the choir area. For answers to questions you may have, please call
Karen Dembowski at 320-420-0820.



Looking for a part-time job without having to work weekends or major holidays all while you get to have fun working with kids! Multiple shifts available. School days Monday—Friday
2:15pm—5:30pm. School breaks and summer hours
7:15am—5:30pm. Closed on major holidays. Students, we will work around your class schedule! Contact Carrie Boucher—Aftercare Coordinator 320-252-9940 or



St. Francis Xavier School is now enrolling new students for Fall of 2024! We are offering personal tours of our exceptional school. If you or someone you know is interested in faithbased education with academic excellence, please contact the school office at ( or call 320-252-9940.


September 7

All are invited to St. Mary’s Cathedral Block Party in downtown St. Cloud on September 7. We will celebrate the Feast of St. Cloud with Bishop Patrick Neary presiding at the 4:00 pm Mass in the Cathedral. Food, music, and fun follow until 10:00 pm. Harper’s Chord takes the stage at 6:00 pm, followed by Janelle Kendall’s Perfect Storm at 8:00 pm. Enjoy a silent auction, wine wall, bingo, 50/50 raffle, kid’s games, inflatables, beer garden, burgers and more.


September 15-29

*LAST CHANCE TO SIGN UP!! JOIN FR. STEVE BINSFELD & FOLLOW ST. PAUL’S MISSIONARY JOURNEY SEPTEMBER 15-29, 2024 Walk the stones where Saint Paul walked through Athens and Corinth. Then set sail on a 9-night Celebrity Cruise through the Greek Isles continuing the journey as we visit six ports of call: Santorini, Ephesus, Mykonos, Volos, Thessaloniki, and Kavala. Enjoy both private group tours and free time in Athens and on the cruise. Learn of the spiritual, historical, and cultural significance of Greece and Paul’s missionary journey. Mass is celebrated every day, especially in Corinth, Thessaloniki and Ephesus. This quality, customized tour is done through Magi Travel. Space is limited on this pilgrimage so sign up today!
Call Magi Travel 952-949-0065 or visit the web at and click on Greece, then Fr. Steve


1st and 3rd Thursday

The St. Rose of Lima Rosary group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month form 9:00-11:00 in Xavier Hall. Learn to make rosaries and all of the supplies are provided. Easy to learn, we will teach you! All rosaries are donated to missions around the world. Questions, call Nita Davis at 214-455-4301.


September 29 (begins)

Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible: Many Catholics want to read the Bible but get bogged down by the long stretches that seem not to make sense or get lost among the sea of Old Testament names and places. Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible, an eight-part Bible study, helps you uncover the story woven throughout Scripture, so you can get the “big picture” of the Bible and understand what it’s all about. Aided by a unique color-coded Bible Timeline Chart that arranges the key people, places, and events of the Bible in chronological order, Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible will help you pick up the Bible with confidence and understand how you fit into God’s plan. We will begin the Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible study on Sunday, September 29 at 7 pm in the St. Stephen church hall. Participants will meet every week to view an engaging video presentation followed by a time of lively group discussion and fellowship. Cost is $35 for workbook and online access. Couples may share a book. Call the St Stephen church office to register 320-251-1520 or email Please register by September 2. Questions?
Call Julie at 320-248-6823



Did not God choose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him?” James 2:5

What is more important – being rich in faith or rich in possessions? Society tells us that possessions are most important. God teaches a different lesson. When we are rich in faith, we keep God first and experience true joy and peace. When we put possessions first, we soon realize we can never have enough, and happiness is fleeting. When we put faith over possessions, we truly realize it is better to give than receive.


November 5 (begins)

How Do I Live as a Christian in the Midst of a Pagan
Culture? Join us for a Bible study on First Corinthians at the St. Stephen Church Hall at 7:00 pm on the following Sundays: November 5, 12, 19; December 3; January 14, 21, 28; February 18, 25 and March 3, 10. Please call the St. Stephen parish office (320-251-1520) to register by September 30 so materials can be ordered. Cost: $30. Questions call Julie Gillen at 320-248-6823.



SCAP—-What is SCAP? It stands for Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest. As part of our One In Christ ACC goals work with the Worship Committee, and prompted by some near misses during the COVID months, we researched how we would respond if the scheduled celebrant for a weekend Mass was suddenly not available due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, the assembly was already gathering for worship, and there was no time to find a substitute. in the Absence of a Priest.
As part of our One In Christ ACC goals work with the Worship Committee, and prompted by some near-misses during the COVID months, we researched how we would respond if the scheduled celebrant for a weekend Mass was suddenly not available due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, the assembly was already gathering for worship, and there was no time to find a substitute.
Using the existing Rite for such celebrations, and adapting it to our settings, the deacons and several lay persons from our ACC parishes have recently had training for leading Sunday worship with Communion if the situation occurs. Though the Rite would include the day's readings and Communion with the Hosts reserved in the tabernacle, the Rite is intentionally different in various ways from Mass to avoid confusion and foster the importance of praying for priestly vocations.
Should this situation occur, we will do our best to communicate the lack of Mass at a given parish as best as we can, announce and post door signs that include the location of other Masses in the area, and provide a meaningful and approved celebration of the Word and of Holy Communion for those who cannot reasonably attend another church. In such circumstances beyond a person's control, the Sunday obligation is suspended for that day. As noted above, it is our fervent hope that we will never pull this off the shelf, but it's wise to be ready.
Communication methods will be our next focus in this effort. It has also prompted us to consider best ways to reach our parishioners in general where we can do better to keep you informed, inspired, and engaged. The months during COVID when public Masses were not available, we experienced what a central place the Eucharist plays . In these times of the national Eucharistic Revival, your prayers for vocations are especially welcome and valuable.

St. John Vianney Drama on September 8

September 8

St. Luke Productions presents Vianney performed by Leonard DeFilippis. The gripping story of the remarkable priest who battled the devil. Join us Sunday, September 8 at 7pm at the Sacred Heart Parish Hall. Production is suitable for ages 9 and up. A free will offering will be collected. To learn more about the production and the history of St. John Vianney, go to Please call the sacred Heart office at 320-251-8115 for any information or questions.

St. Stephen Parish Breakfast

September 29

Free will offering breakfast on Sunday, September 29th in the St. Stephen Parish Hall serving from 8 am until noon. Eggs, pancakes, rolls, meats and hash browns will be served.
Proceeds from the fundraiser will be donated to the Parish Neighborhood Renewal Ministry currently located in Ecuador. Meet Iris Prieto and Glahecer Baque, a husband and wife team that lead the mission efforts for PNRM in the remote areas of the jungle. They would love to meet you!

Theology on Draft

September 12

The first Theology on Draft of the academic year begins this coming Thursday, September 12th at Beaver Island Brewing from 6-8 pm. Feature speaker is Kelli Kleinschnitz on the topic of: Breaking the Performance Mentality. Apps provided, all are welcome!



CentraCare St. Cloud Hospital is currently accepting applications for volunteers of all ages. Youth may begin volunteering as soon as they are 14 years of age. Volunteers serve as warm and friendly ambassadors for the Saint Cloud Hospital and all CentraCare by supporting staff and patients through a variety of tasks throughout our facilities. Please contact Volunteer Services at (320) 255-5638 for more information or apply online at We hope to hear from you!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Homebound Ministers


We are looking for a few of YOU to answer the call to bring JOY to our Homebound parishioners. Might you be interested in bringing Eucharist and a friendly smile to someone? Please contact Sandee Kremers for more information.


September 13 (by)

Sacred Heart will once again be hosting a 9 AM Wed Morning Bible Study. We invite all of our One in Christ parishioners to join us in exploring our faith. This year we are exploring The Holy Spirit, Angels, James, and Peter. If interested, please contact Gerry Kittok at 320 420 9050 or the Sacred Heart Office by Sept 13th so we can secure enough materials. Study materials will be handed out and introductions will be on Wed, Sept 25. I hope to see you there!



We are looking for volunteers who might be interested in becoming a Word & Communion Leader at Edgewood. We need a minister who is available the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am. Training provided. Its a wonderful gift to be able to bring the Eucharist to those who are in the Assisted Living & Memory Care Units


October 12-13

A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a private weekend away from the distractions of daily life for couples in good marriages. Give your marriage this gift! The next available Weekends are Oct 12-13, 2024 in ALEXANDRIA, MN and Aug 17-18, 2024 in Oakdale, MN. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact Miki at or 507-227-8229.



We are looking for people to join us on Wednesdays atNoon for weekly prayer! Prayer generally lasts about 15-20 minutes and we are praying for our new YoungLife chapter, our young people and for kids who aren't a part of our parish communities. If you’d like to join the prayer team but are unable to Zoom, contact Jason Prigge for another opportunity. Scan for Zoom Link:

Young Adult Praise Nights

4th Sunday of every month

Young Adult Praise Nights are debuting this month! All young adults (18-39), especially those with kids, come join us in Praise & Worship on the 4th Sunday of every month starting at 4:00 PM. Each month will feature Praise & Worship, Sacrament of Reconciliation and other prayer opportunities for everyone. The first one of the year is: Sunday, September 24th @ Sacred Heart. This event is in collaboration with All Called to Christ ACC.

Young Adult Team

Third Thursdays

We are now seeking additional members for the One in Christ young adult team! Those interested in visioning, planning, and executing events for young adult ministry will meet the following criteria:
   A Young Adult (18-39)
   Commit to bi-monthly meetings on the third Thursdays
   Associated with Annunciation (Mayhew Lake), St. Francis Xavier (Sartell), or St. Stephen
   [Bonus] if engaged, married, or married with kids
If interested in learning more about the team or young adult ministry, please contact Jason Prigge!

YoungLife Update


Thank you for your patience, we are still awaiting a confirmation number or area number as YoungLife continues to navigate software challenges. Once this is resolved, more information will be available to all of you - we still need you to pray!! Join us on Wednesdays at Noon!

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