From Safari…..
Today is Laetare Sunday, the midpoint of Lent. Laetare means “rejoice.” The entrance antiphon in the Missal reads,
“Rejoice, Jerusalem, and all who love her. Be joyful, all who were in mourning; exult and be satisfied at her consoling breast.”
Lent is about our reorientation. The compass, surrounded by the thistles of sacrifice and dying to self, points toward “true north,” our way home. There are several paths that lead from the compass, but all pass through the desert and climb the mountain of God to meet at the cross, which in turn opens to the promise of resurrection life and joy. How has your journey been so far this lent? I know I start out Lent with the best of intentions. But at times I stumble along the way. It is in those moments, I realize I cannot do this journey alone, I need rely on the strength and courage that comes from Jesus.
At this midway point of Lent, we pause to make sure our compass is pointed to true north. Some of us may need recommit ourselves to our Lenten goals. Ultimately this is to be a time of selfless service, care of for the “least,” mercy, forgiveness, listening, deepening faith and trust in God. May each of us have a blessed Lent.
Our One in Christ parishes are blessed by our catechumens, the elect --- Jenna Nielsen, Aaron Mumbleau, Mariah DelCastillo, Austin Tice and Adrianna Alvarado. Their presence reminds us of our need to allow God’s grace to penetrate our hearts by being open to God’s word and the sacraments.
In these last weeks of Lent, the elect are in a period of purification and enlightenment, called the scrutinies. The scrutinies are celebrated in order to deliver the elect from the power of evil, to protect them from temptation, and to give them strength in Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life. During these weeks they will also be presented the Creed and the Lord’s prayer.
This weekend is the second scrutiny. (Even though we are in year B of the lectionary cycle, during the scrutinies, the readings from cycle A are proclaimed)
The Gospel focuses on the cure of the man born blind, and the first reading invites us to see as God sees and not as human beings see. The second reading also fits this focus, stressing the importance of living in the light rather than in darkness.
As our elect are called to live in the light, may we recommit ourselves to living in the light. May our thoughts, words, and deeds allow Christ’s light t shine on those we have contact with this week.
Fr. Ron