Ministry Perspectives – Reflections from our Pastoral Team
The One In Christ ACC Planning Council is looking for more parish members to become involved in the work of the Stewardship, Evangelization and Young Adult engagement committees of our ACC to share their creative ideas and to foster communication with parishioners. This is an opportunity to participate more deeply in your faith and help drive the direction of our Catholic community.
Contact any one of your parish representatives or your parish office
if you are interested or want to learn more.
Fr. Ron Weyrens
Tom Offerdahl
Evangelization Committee - One in Christ, is asking for your prayers. Pray that the Holy Spirit guides us as we go forward in discipleship planning. Thank you!
Parish Calendar
A great way to make your contributions to St. Francis Xavier Parish is through electronic giving. Most people set up once a month contributions, but you can set up weekly, semi-monthly or even quarterly donations if you wish to do so. Donations can be made by automatic bank debits or by credit card. Authorization forms are available in the entrances to the gathering place or at the parish office. If you have any questions, please contact Tom Offerdahl in the parish office – 320-252-1363, Ext. 405 or by email at .
We are a Welcoming Catholic Community called by God to follow Jesus Christ.
Our faith leads us on a path of hope as we worship together support each other, and promote life-long education.
We join together in loving and sensitive outreach to all people.