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4th Tuesday

St. Francis Xavier is scheduled the 4th Tuesday of the month starting in October to prepare, serve and clean up for a meal at Place of Hope. The dates for the year are as follows – 10/24, 11/28, 12/26, 1/23, 2/27, 3/26, 4/23, 5/28. We will start to prepare the meal at SFX and will finish the preparations at Place of Hope. We will need some adults to leave SFX at 3 pm and then we will need to pick up youth at 3:45 pm to help us finish preparing, serve and clean up. We will return to SFX at approximately 6:45 pm. We will need 10 people per date, and we will always need 3 adults per meal for chaperoning. We will take 6-12th graders with us or any age if accompanied by an adult. Contact Sandee Kremers at 320-252-1363 x403 or with any questions or to sign up.
We will still bring a meal in September but will not prepare, serve, and clean up. Look for more details next week on our September meal. Cash donations are always welcome to help us with the costs. All One in Christ Catholic Community are invited to help. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if interested.

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