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Join the Catholic Advocacy Network. The Network is an initiative of the Minnesota Catholic Conference (MCC). When you sign up, you will receive a bi-weekly email of resources that will provide formation on the Catholic faith and information on issues impacting life, dignity, and the common good. MCC also sends occasional action alerts that equip you to take action to transform Minnesota by contacting your elected officials on key issues. To join, go to You can also text CAN to 651-998-7322.

St. Francis Xavier Parish    

219 2nd Street North

P.O. Box 150

Sartell, MN 56377     ​

Phone: (320) 252-1363​


Staff Contacts

Parish Contacts


​Parish Office Hours (Sept. - May):

Monday thru Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Summer Parish Office Hours (June - Aug.):

Monday thru Thursday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Fridays 8:00 am—Noon


Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 9:30 am - Livestreamed


Weekday Mass:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:00 am
Friday - 8:30 am (during the School year)

Subject to Priest availability, check weekly bulletin or parish calendar on this website.


Reconciliation: Saturday 3:00 to 3:30 pm​


Rosary: Wednesday & Friday -

20 minutes prior to Mass


Viewers in the St. Cloud Diocese can watch the Mass on KSTC-45 at 11am each Sunday via cable, satellite or antenna (check your cable provider for channel number). Charter Communication airs the Mass on Channel 17.




One in Christ Area Catholic Community

©2023 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community

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