From Safari…..
Sticks and stones will break my bones. But words will never harm me. This childhood rhyme encourages a taunted child to refrain from physical retaliation and to remain calm. While the intention is well meaning, the truth is that words can harm us. Think back in your own experiences and recall critical words sent your way. Did not these words cut to your core, affect your mood and attitude? Words also can affect us in positive ways. Affirming and loving words tend to lift our mood and attitude. Affirmation can add a bounce to our step.
This weekend we are invited to explore the power of God’s Word in our lives. In the first reading, Ezra proclaims and teaches from the Torah for about six hours. The scene is one of recommitment. Many of the listeners had been in exile and now they are rebuilding Jerusalem. Ezra and Nehemiah realize the people no longer knew how to serve God. Through this six-hour service the people came to realize that the law gave them a path toward becoming all that God hoped they would be.
Paul continues this thought in his letter to the Corinthians. He calls the Christian community the body of Christ, who we are and what we are to become. Paul insists that every member of Christ’s body has been called and gifted by the Spirit. This business of being church is not an option. Rather, it is our vocation as surely as Jesus’ mission was his call from the Spirit.
The gospel shares the time Jesus stood up and read a passage from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. After rolling up the scroll, Jesus proclaims, “Today this passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” Sent forth by the Spirit, Jesus brings glad tidings, by freeing people from sin and illness, by giving sight to the spiritually and physically blind, and establishing an atmosphere pleasing to God.
Think a minute: The Spirit of God is upon you and me. Why? Because God anointed each of us at our baptisms. And the Spirit rushed upon us when we were anointed during the sacrament of confirmation. Do my words affirm or put others down? Do my words bring hope or discouragement? Do you allow God’s word to touch my heart and shape me? Do I
believe I have a role to serve that no one else can do? We each have a mission. Do you know what yours is?
Today marks the beginning of Catholic Schools Week. As One in Christ ACC, we are blessed with St. Francis Xavier, St. Katharine Drexel and Cathedral (middle school and high school) Schools. The uniqueness of our schools is the ability to openly discuss and intentionally incorporate faith into all aspects of the school day. How important for tomorrow's adults to have the opportunities to discuss the happenings of this world with their peers in light of Gospel values.
All our schools have open house this week – all day, every day. Go to: ccsprek12.org and reserve a time to visit.