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Middle School SMALL GROUP LEADERS & ASSISTANTS NEEDED! We are looking for 1– 6th Grade Small Group Leader also looking for 2 assistant leaders, 3- 7th Grade Small Group Leaders and 5 assistant leaders, 2- 8th Grade Small Group Leaders and 5 assistant leaders. Please contact Sandee Kremers at or 320- 252-1363 for information or with questions. We will have a four station model this year and you will be leading your students to each station and facilitating the lesson for each station. You will have the lessons for the year in hand at our Leader Meeting which will be held on Wednesday, September 11 at 6:30 pm in the Gathering Space. We need you for this program – parents – grandparents- seniors – college students – young adults … you ALL qualify! Come join us – you will grow your faith and will be a mentor to a young person! Thank you!
We are currently in need of the following for teachers/ co-teachers for the upcoming faith formation year for Grades 1-5. The curriculum is fun and easy to use. All materials are prepared for you in advance. All you need to do is read through the materials and show up for class.
4:45-5:45 Session
Grade 1- 2 Assistant Teachers
Grade 2- 2 Assistant Teachers
Grade 3- 1 Teacher and 1 Assistant Teacher
Grade 4- 2 Teachers and 3 Assistant Teachers
Grade 5- 2 Assistants
6:30-7:30 Session
Grade 1-Co Teacher
Contact Melissa Fox at 320-761-2217 or

St. Francis Xavier Parish    

219 2nd Street North

P.O. Box 150

Sartell, MN 56377     ​

Phone: (320) 252-1363

Staff Contacts

Parish Contacts

Parish Office Hours (Sept. - May):

Monday thru Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Summer Parish Office Hours (June - Aug.):

Monday thru Thursday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Fridays 8:00 am—Noon

Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 9:30 am - Livestreamed

Weekday Mass:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:00 am
Friday - 8:30 am (during the School year)

Subject to Priest availability, check weekly bulletin or parish calendar on this website.

Reconciliation: Saturday 3:00 to 3:30 pm​

Rosary: Wednesday & Friday -

20 minutes prior to Mass

Viewers in the St. Cloud Diocese can watch the Mass on KSTC-45 at 11am each Sunday via cable, satellite or antenna (check your cable provider for channel number). Charter Communication airs the Mass on Channel 17.

One in Christ Area Catholic Community

©2023 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community

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