The strife is over! The battle is done! Jesus is Risen and we are saved!
How will we thank our God?
Can we now live as an Easter People?
What a glorious day for Christians around the world! A day to celebrate, giving honor and glory to God for the gift of salvation. By Jesus’ death and Resurrection, the power and destruction of sin no longer keeps us from God.
Saved by his love, we receive the promise of eternal life through his Son Jesus Christ. We need only love God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and love one another as taught by Jesus.
Out of the darkness of sin comes the Light of the World that illuminates the way to our heavenly home. How gifted are we!? How grateful we must be!
How will you celebrate the gift you have received? How did walking with Jesus through the darkness make today’s light even brighter for you?
Jesus, we thank you and we praise you.
We give our lives to you. Gift us with the wisdom to open ourselves to your mercy and forgiveness and grant us the grace we need to be Christ to one another.
Touch our hearts with a desire to love and serve others. Inspired by your love, provide us
opportunity to show love, mercy, and forgiveness to those with whom we share life.
By your Resurrection you have set us free, we no longer need be a slave to sin. Be with us as we rejoice and sing Alleluia to our Lord and Savior!
Amen. Alleluia
Go now and live with joy as an Easter people, rejoicing in the love of Jesus Christ.
Have a Blessed Easter Day!
Deb Rudolph