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From safari……

From both the Swahili and Arabic languages, safari is to be on a journey.

From the moment we are conceived in this world we are on a journey or pilgrimage to the heavenly kingdom. Our soul desires full reunion with God in heaven. Like any journey nourishment is needed, the eucharist is the spiritual food which satisfies the hunger of our soul.

Throughout our journey God’s graces are sprinkled upon us. Today’s feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ focuses on the eucharist which was entrusted by Christ to the Church, as spiritual nourishment and as a pledge of eternal life. We, the Church, continue to receive this gift with faith and love. Receiving both the consecrated bread and wine at communion is preferred, however, the pandemic had us suspend sharing of the common cup. As we continue to return to pre-pandemic practices, I would expect the common cup to be available to all by fall. The celebration of the eucharist is the center of our Christian life. The other sacraments, all our ministries flow from and are directed to the eucharist. The eucharist contains the entire spiritual treasures of the Church. Christ, through his body and blood, offers himself totally to us and encourages us to offer ourselves totally in our work, our ministry. The eucharist is so central to our lives, that some of the consecrated elements are reserved in the tabernacle for communion of the sick and for people to come into church and pray before the blessed sacrament. In our parishes, there are at least monthly times when the host is placed in the monstrance (exposition) for public adoration. Just a reminder, communicants are too fast one hour from solid food and beverages, with the exception of water. This eucharistic fast is reduced to 15 minutes, when possible, for those who are sick at home, in health care facilities, or the hospital. Viaticum (provision for a journey) is for a dying person receiving eucharist, with or without Anointing of the Sick, and is part of the Last Rites. Our parishes also have available low gluton hosts. The host contains 0.002% of gluton. To receive a low gluton host let the priest or parish staff member know, and a host will be prepared for consecration. Today we celebrate Christ’s presence as you and I share and become the body and blood of Christ for the life of the world. People in all places are yearning for the healing touch and reconciling mercy of God in Christ. Our call is to be Christ’s presence, bringing the reign of God to the world today. Our destiny is to celebrate the full glory of the reign of God in life eternal. Congratulations to the St. Stephen Parish as they celebrate their Sesquicentennial Anniversary (150th). Bishop Kettler is

presiding at their 10:30am Mass today (Sunday) and Corpus Christi procession. Join them for their hog roast dinner beginning around 12 noon. Continued blessings on your journey days! Fr. Ron

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