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From Safari…….

The nights of late October and early November often ushers in the first killing frost. For me it is a sad day when frost takes the life of the summer flowers and plants. With the growing season finished,I have spent time cleaning the gardens around the rectory patio.

As I mourn the passing of summer, I am challenged to see God’s hand at work in autumn. The landscape is arrayed in color. Leaves become a patch work quilt of vivid color on lawns and paths. The apples and pumpkins that have been growing throughout summer, become a tasty feast. The slower pace of the season helps calm the mind and eases stress. I share the following poem as reminder that God’s grace always surrounds us regardless of the season.

Drenched with Grace God pours out his grace upon us even when we are unaware, even when we resist he drenches us with love beyond our deepest longings, floods us with goodness we have not earned or deserved.

We stand open-mouthed, stunned at the wonder of such bounty, filled with the mystery of God’s extravagance that extends farther than the widest ocean, beyond the highest mountain.

We are used to tiny hints of grace, fleeting glimpses of earthly love, but this deluge bowls us over and we can only hold out our hands and receive. Barbara Mayer, OSB

Have a blessed week! Fr. Ron

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